24 March 2012

Doctor Day

So first of all, I love that Lynlee's doctor's last name is Le Bras. I'm not sure if you're supposed to put the 's' sound on the end of it or not, but we do and it makes it fun when people ask who her pediatrician is.
"It's Dr. Le Bras."
"Wait, isn't your last name Bross?"
"Yep! And his is Le Bras."
Makes us giggle in a good sort of way :)

Lynlee was exactly 2 months (already/only!?) on Tuesday and she also got her shots that day. It was sad because she was in such a good mood and then bam! pain out of nowhere. But she only cried for a few second afterwards and then spent the rest of the day at home all snuggled up with Mom. She's so great :)

She got little Crayola Crayon band-aids. The fact that they weren't boring old band-aids helped with the pain I'm sure ;)

She weighed in at 8 lb 1/4 oz. We've got a lot of work to do because her doc wants her to gain about 4 pounds in the next 2 months! Eat up little one!

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